Hotels and Transportation

Special deal for SARL racers and volunteers!

Hotel of choice for SARL racers
This year one of our own SARL racers is offering his best rates at Extend a Suites in Indianapolis, is hosting the pre-race party Friday night, and has a courtesty van to help with transportation. BIG THANKS to Ryszard Zadow, Race 32 for his generosity!

Check out his hotel at
7701 E. 42nd Street
Indianapolis, IN 46226
East Indianapolis - Corner of I-465 and Pendleton Pike
Special SARL rate: $59.00
*See "Schedule" page for pre-race party info and RSVP.

Other hotels
There are lots of places to stay in Indy but we recommend you join the group at Extend a Suites.
Rental Cars
With Ryszard's generous offer of the courtesy van for transporation you won't likely need a rental car, but if you plan to do additional sight-seeing on your own, try Hertz. Last year Hertz came through for us with reasonable prices.  Phone: 317-587-0364