Special deal for SARL racers and volunteers!
Hotel of choice for SARL racers
This year one of our own SARL racers is offering his best rates at Extend a Suites in Indianapolis, is hosting the pre-race party Friday night, and has a courtesty van to help with transportation. BIG THANKS to Ryszard Zadow, Race 32 for his generosity!
Check out his hotel at http://www.extendasuitesindy.com/
7701 E. 42nd Street
Indianapolis, IN 46226
East Indianapolis - Corner of I-465 and Pendleton Pike
Special SARL rate: $59.00
*See "Schedule" page for pre-race party info and RSVP.
Other hotels
There are lots of places to stay in Indy but we recommend you join the group at Extend a Suites.
Rental Cars
With Ryszard's generous offer of the courtesy van for transporation you won't likely need a rental car, but if you plan to do additional sight-seeing on your own, try Hertz. Last year Hertz came through for us with reasonable prices. Phone: 317-587-0364